Existenzgründer & Selbständige

Starting a business in Germany, Workshop Berlin

Jürgen Nastvogel

Jürgen Nastvogel, Unternehmensberatung Berlin

Duration: 2 days
Participans: max. 7 participans
Time: 9.00 - 16.00 h each day
Fees: 690 € per paticipant
Targetgroup: start ups, Entrepreneurs and others
Lecturer: Jürgen Nastvogel
Place: Triftstr. 52, 13353 Berlin Wedding
Times to start: according to prior agreement
Individual counselling: according to prior agreement
Fees:  130,- €  / hour


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Schedule to start your business in Germany

Did you decide to steer your self-employment into concrete paths? Now you would like to go ahead in bigger steps? Congratulations! In order to make your time a little easier, we have compiled some important points to consider.


In the following we distinguish five phases:
Phase I considerations / basis
Phase II preparations / planning
Phase III concretization / applications
Phase IV realization
Phase V implementation

day 1: General items

  • Consult chambers of commerce or institutions
  • Analyze market and location
  • Cities / municipalities, offices, authorities
  • Search Tax Advisor, suitable banks, Lawyer search
  • Chambers or institutions, Site search, contract negotiations
  • Contact a consultant, Industry associations, associations, organizations
  • Negotiations with suppliers, Search for employees
  • Plan risk prevention
  • Make loan and grant applications, Acquire concessions, exams and notes

day 2: Specific Items

  • Set up business
  • Organize opening advertising, accounting
  • Create a key figure system, Prepare and train employees
  • Sign up for business to Tax office, Chamber of Trade (IHK)
  • professional association, Employment Agency, Social Security Institutions
  • commercial register

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Here you will find further information: