starting and establishing business in Germany
Start up or establish your business or your branch in Germany
We support you in founding your company in Germany
according to § 21 Residence Act for foreign companies and self-employed in Germany *)
We offer you the following modules of support:
To get to know each other in the first state:
Module 1: First video conference to get to know each other and discuss your business plans (free of charge)
Your business ideas:
Module 2: We review your business ideas and business documents
Module 3: We assess your business plans
Module 4: We draw up a business plan (about 15 pages, with pictures) for the German immigration office.
Module 5: We draw up a profitability forecast and a liquidity plan.
Module 6: We arrange translations of your documents in German
Further agreements for your professional perspectives:
Module 7: Video conference to discuss your further business strategies (free of charge)
Your application for a residence permit in Germany:
Module 8: We prepare an expert opinion for you about the feasibility of your business plans for the German immigration office.
Module 9: We support you in the legal steps for a residence permit in Germany
The German legal forms and company name:
Module 10: Which legal form and company name is suitable and allowed for you in Germany?
German official requirements and permits:
Module 11: We support you in all administrative matters (official permits, memberships, etc.)
The German tax system:
Module 12: We support you in all questions and processes of tax law matters
The necessary business insurances:
Module 13: We support you in all insurance-related questions
Your business real estate and offices:
Module 14: We support you in all questions of your company offices requirements
Financing your business in Germany:
Modul 15: We are cooperating with various banks as well as with various other potentials as Business Angels and other entrepreneurs and companies and local state governments to finance your business in Germany.
Location and federal states in Germany:
Modul 16: Depending on the location you are opening your business in Germany you may be eligible for different financial supports from the government. Germany has 16 federal states and each state has numerous Communities. We can give you information about this issues. The funding landscape in Germany is complex.
Opening a franchise business in Germany:
Modul 17: We are experienced in counseling franchise disposer and giver projects in Germany.
Your employees in Germany:
Module 18: We support you in finding suitable and good employees.
You want to open a bank account in Germany:
Modul 19: It is not that easy to open a bank account in Germany. Our advisors will help you with the opening of your bank account.
You want to set up a branch of your NGO in Germany:
Module 20: We support you in establishing an NGO or a foundation in Germany
Entrepreneurial features in Germany:
Module 21: We will assist you with any further questions regarding entrepreneurial particularities in Germany
Module 22: We will assist you with any questions regarding cultural particularities in Germany.
Your private and personal needs:
Module 23: We book a hotel room for you for the first time and pick you up from the airport in Berlin
Module 24: We accompany you with your very personal concerns after your arrival in Germany
Module 25: We will assist you with a companion entrepreneur who will accompany you in your mother tongue in Germany
In which region or city do you want to establish your company in Germany?
Module 26: Coordination with partners in other regions and cities in Germany
Our costs:
Our costs are based on the actual time and effort. Please calculate between € 400 to € 2,500 per module, depending on the actual time and effort. We ask for your understanding that we can only take over our consulting services if you cover the bills in advance. Our daily rate amounts € 1,200 € plus VAT.
In which areas and modules are you looking for support?
*) Here you will find the link to the German law according to § 21 Residence Act.
We do not translate this text because a translation can involve too many sources of error. Please translate this legal text into your own language. Such a translation does not provide legal reliability but a good orientation about your practical options as an entrepreneur in Germany.
Please find here a global view about the issue "Migration monitor 2018" (in German only)
Our consultants and coaches are:

Prof. Dr. Klaus Dieter Müller
Mr. Prof. Dr. Klaus Dieter Müller
Media scientist, management consultant and publicist
English and German

Bernd Jaenicke
Mr. Bernd Jaenicke (Dipl. Pol, Dip. Soz.-Päd)
Management consultant, journalist and publicist
English and German

Yan Su
Ms. Yan Su
IT engineer and business economist
Chinese, English and German

Ertan Akdogan
Mr. Ertan Akdogan
Turkish, German and English

Ibrahim Haddad
Mr. Ibrahim Haddad
Dipl. Ing., Language teacher and business consultant

Anna Rehfeldt
Ms. Anna Rehfeldt LL.M.
Attorney at law
English and German

Jens Hagemann
Mr. Jens Hagemann
Tax consultancy and tax auditor company
English and German

Arman Taherkhani
Mr. Arman Taherkhani
Bank clerk, recruiter, business consultant
Farsi, Dari, English, German

Margareta Albarracin Pimienta
Ms. Margareta Albarracin Pimienta
Psychologist and business consultant

Ronald Luckmann
Mr. Ronald Luckmann
Management consultant, graduate psychologist
Russian and German

Kemal Roy
Mr. Kamal Roy
Economist and Management consultant
Indian languages, English and German

Dr. Regina Wallner
Ms. Dr. Regina Wallner
Social scientist and philosopher
Management consultant
English and German

Jörg Eberhard
Mr. Jörg Eberhard
Financial and investing economist,
management consultant
German and English

Amadou M. Diallo
Mr. Amadou M. Diallo (C.A.E.A.)
Painter and artist, art teacher,
management consultant
French, German, English, Fulfulde, Woliof

Joze Piv
Mr. Joze Piv
Gas water installer, Graduate in
business administration
English, German